Saturday, March 29, 2008

Colonial Hills United Methodist Church Mission and Values

At the March Church Council meeting we continue the very importnat conversation regarding the revision of our congregation's mission and value statement. We agreed to post a preliminary statement on this blog, and then to create dialogue among us regarding these statements.

I am praying that God will bless our efforts.

Mission Statement:

To be a family of disciples for Jesus Christ that radiates God’s healing and transforming love and grace to all people for the transformation of the world.

Core Values

-Being Christ-centered disciples with bold faith and faithfulness.
-Inviting all people into our church as home.
-Embracing all people as an open, welcoming, caring community.
-Offering spiritually vibrant, diverse, celebrative worship experiences.
-Focusing on Spiritual Formation through small groups for all ages.
-Reaching people who are not yet connected or committed to Christ.
-Expressing the gospel through Christian service that seeks to offer both acts of mercy and works of justice
-Preserving our rich heritage of Wesleyan Distinctiveness.
-Striving for excellence in every area of our ministry.

Let the conversation begin



Sally Williams said...

Mac and I were really inspired from the sermon today and I like the mission statement you have posted. We were thinking of something that might play off the statement from the Methodist church - open hearts, open minds, open doors. Maybe something like - open hearts, open minds, opening doors for all to meet Jesus. I like the idea of something short and easy to remember.

Anonymous said...

In your sermon, you powerfully portrayed the very believable image of the people who actually heard, touched, and saw Jesus before & after his death & resurrection. It was one of those sermons that we can walk away and remember the details several days later. That 'community's' strengths were not in advertising, institutions, planning, committees, hierarchies -- our challenge will be how to reclaim that first group's powerful commmitment to the person of Jesus and one another with real loving acts. To want to know Jesus, to really know, to cut through the layers of cultures and traditions, to once again 'reform' and peel away the trappings and niceties of 'church' -- and return to a core heart of "I & Thou" (your reference to Buber) -- that is a challenge for individuals and our church. Do we ask what's our motivation? Do we ask how do we start? Do we ask what's my role? Those closest to the Jesus walking, talking & eating among them were willing to give their all for Jesus and for one another. The possibilities for us are extremely exciting!

Anonymous said...

I like the preliminary mission statement alot. Jesus is at the top with family, healing, love and grace flowing from him.

My question is can we do without the last 6 words? "...for the transformation of the world." We have used transformation twice in the preliminary mission statement. Maybe it should stay... not sure. discuss :)

Don B. said...

On the point that anon made - I think a new word is needed for transformation. I like "transforming love and grace." Having said that, I'm not happy with the suggestions given by the Word thesaurus - alteration, change, conversion, revolution, renovation, makeover. :o/

I like the overall mission statement as presented, but think an accompanying shorthand version would also be nice. I'll think on that one.

Anonymous said...

To be disciples for Jesus Christ as a family radiating God’s love and grace to heal and transform everyone around us & throughout the world into the Kingdom of God.

Anonymous said...

As a family of disciples of Jesus Christ, to radiate God’s love, healing, joy, and grace to everyone, as we help build up God's Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

One of our goals as a church is to become better integrated with our neighborhood. Could that be added to the mission statement?

" and grace to all people for the transformation of our local community and greater world."

To survive as a church we need to grow. We can't do that unless we are relevant to our local community.

Anonymous said...

Vision Statement:
Called to Transform Our Neighborhood and World for

Mission Statement
We are Jesus' disciples who radiate God's healing and transforming love and grace to all people.

To OPen Hearts
--providing experiences that enable people to experience the indwelling presence of Christ in their lives
To Open Minds
--to grow in our understanding so that our faith has relevance for a changing community and world.
To Open Doors
--the church invites all people to the table, and sends all people out into the world to radiate God's healing and transforming love and grace.

Then Note Core Values

The vision statement is our big idea..The mission statement anchors our journey..The purpose outlines our intentions based on core values.

In Loving Partnership

Anonymous said...

An additional Core Value:
--to revive/renew our commitment to our prayers, presence, gifts and service.

Anonymous said...

We are Jesus' disciples who radiate God's healing and renewing love and grace to everyone.

Anonymous said...

I think Pastor Ron's vision statement, mission statement, and purpose points are excellent. /cheer :)

Anonymous said...

I agree. Succinct. Clearly stated. Inclusive of all ideas from the original draft.

Anonymous said...

Would it be appropiate to indicate a willingness for a tithe[10%] od time and money