Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Well! It Is About Time
Well here is my now! My sister, Terry, is fifty-one years old and next week she is going to run the San Francisco Marathon. My father says that she will finish because she is stubborn. I find myself amazed at her discipline and I am so very proud of her, and her example has caused me to begin to examine my own commitments to physical well-being. I fantasize about joining my sister and/or my daughter, Rachel, in a marathon though I might walk.
I know that one's physical well-being is interrelated with your emotional and spiritual well-being, but I haven't paid enough attention to the later. Well, a very large brick hit me right between the eyes when my friend said, "life isn't a dress rehearsal,"and I began to think, "And my body is the real thing."
I have said the following for the last time, "Tomorrow, I am going to walk....Tomorrow.....I am going to work at losing weight." Well tomorrow will never come unless I make tomorrow now.
Some may say that I risk too much by by publically acknowledging my life long struggle with weight, but most people who know me know about this intensely personal struggle. Now is the time to do something.....So pray for me, and encourage me along the way.
My dream is that one year from now I will be walking the moors of the Northern Yorkshire, England for 10-days as a healthy, in shape human being, who is writing about his new life as a pilgrim on the way.
If you find yourself identifying with any of these thoughts then simply remember that we are never alone, and that this life is the "real thing."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wow! It has been a while.
I received a phone call from Rachel asking whether or not her sister was with me. My response was, "no", but I am on the way to pick her up. She sounded disappointed. The next thing I know is that I received a text message asking if I could pick Rebekah up earlier. I didn't respond. When I picked up Rebekah at school, I told her that her sister, Rachel, would like for her to call . Rebekah looked somewhat puzzled, and proceeded to make the phone call. The first words out of Rebekah's mouth were, "Rachel...this is Rebekah." The next words out of Rebekah mouth made me cry. " don't need to cry." After the phone call Rebekah looked at me, and said, "I guess she really misses me."
You never really know how beautiful love is until it is absent. We do miss Rachel and I am glad.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Following the 11:00 worship service over a 180 people gathered for a potluck dinner, and then the Rev. Sue White, Conference Evangelist, spoke to us about the importance of sharing our faith story.
I am reminded that whenever we gather in the name of Christ, we are sharing our faith story. Thanks be to God for Sunday, February 15th, 2009. I can't wait to see what God is going to do next.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Keeping the Doors Open
Monday, June 23, 2008
It Has Been A While
This short conversation from the historical record of the great missionary Dr. David Livingstone hits me right between my "disciple" eyes. I must confess that I am part of that generation of boomers who has had a propensity to consume rather than contribute--take rather than give. In fact, the author Marva Dawn in her book entitled, "Reaching Out without Dumbing Down" says it well: "The boomers search for a church to meet their needs of instead of commitment to the church through which to serve."
Now that my own confession is complete, let me share with you that God's grace has so enlivened my heart that I no longer seek after the good road, and I am not afraid of the difficult road. My prayer is that I will simply walk the path that Christ sets me on, and trust that God gives me the strength, the courage, and the grace to remain faithful, thus to become fruitful.
I have heard it said recently, "It is more difficult to climb a smooth mountain to the top rather than a rugged mountain." Why do we prefer the smooth path when it so easy to slide down whatever mountain we are called to climb in life.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Colonial Hills United Methodist Church Mission and Values
I am praying that God will bless our efforts.
Mission Statement:
To be a family of disciples for Jesus Christ that radiates God’s healing and transforming love and grace to all people for the transformation of the world.
Core Values
-Being Christ-centered disciples with bold faith and faithfulness.
-Inviting all people into our church as home.
-Embracing all people as an open, welcoming, caring community.
-Offering spiritually vibrant, diverse, celebrative worship experiences.
-Focusing on Spiritual Formation through small groups for all ages.
-Reaching people who are not yet connected or committed to Christ.
-Expressing the gospel through Christian service that seeks to offer both acts of mercy and works of justice
-Preserving our rich heritage of Wesleyan Distinctiveness.
-Striving for excellence in every area of our ministry.
Let the conversation begin
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Everything Must Change
He suggests that the core message of Jesus is concerned about today’s global problems. In fact, I find his book to be a very hopeful testament. Jesus’ message is not just about personal redemptions, but it is also about the recreation of the human family and the planet. His message is not simply about the afterlife, but for life in this world too. Jesus does not simply offer a way of life, but a new way of life that changes everything—personally and socially, individually and globally.
I encourage you to read his book, and let’s begin the conversation. There is a website: